Written by

Florent Domenech

Published on

December 4, 2023

Promote your streaming platform on TikTok - Webtoon use case

TikTok is an excellent lever for promoting an entertainment service. Let's take a look at a use case where Webtoon called on the services of Qeels, an influencer marketing platform, to launch a successful influencer campaign on TikTok.

Campaign context :

Webtoon is the Netflix equivalent of anime. It's the world leader in webcomics created to be read on a smartphone. The platform boasts an app with hundreds of episodes released every week, free of charge, and a broad, original and diverse catalog with over 350 series in a variety of genres: action, fantasy, thriller, comedy, romance...

The aim of the campaign was to promote the release of a new series (Marry My Husband), while respecting certain criteria set out in the brief.

Videos include :

1) mike.sprb : https://www.tiktok.com/@mike.sprb/video/7179239772110572806
2) ninaiade : https://www.tiktok.com/@ninaiade/video/7230131277519719707
2) evakimauteure: https://www.tiktok.com/@evakimauteure/video/7167764541504490757

Results :

If you're a company in the entertainment sector, and you're looking to launch an influencer or UGC campaign, then use Qeels!

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