Written by

Florent Domenech

Published on

October 31, 2023

How do I find my TikTok boost code as a content creator?

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

As a content creator on TikTok, you may be lucky enough to work with brands that ask you for your TikTok promotion code, also known as Spark Ad code. If you take part in challenges on our Qeels platform, some brands ask you for this code. Their aim is to boost your video, enabling your content to be seen by more people, including users who don't follow your page but might be interested in what you're promoting.

The following tutorial applies only to professional accounts (creators and companies).

The procedure is simple and involves 2 steps:

  1. On your profile, activate the "advertising settings" box
  1. On the video that is the subject of the communication campaign, click on "advertising settings".

Now you know how to activate your Spark Ad code. This is an important step in working with brands on this social network. If you'd like to join the 3,500 content creators on the Qeels platform, sign up at https://www.qeels.io/

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