Written by

Florent Domenech

Published on

November 20, 2023

Why are companies increasingly interested in TikTok?

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In the world of influencers, TikTok has shaken up codes in terms of content creation and consumption: short, funny, serious videos... But what are the reasons why TikTok has become a unique social network for brands? And how do you find the right influencers?

3 elements make TikTok unique:

1. Virality

One of TikTok's strengths is that you don't need to have millions of subscribers to make a video that works. In fact, unlike some social networks like YouTube, TikTok favors all content creators, regardless of their subscriber size or seniority. Influencers with just a few hundred followers can generate thousands or even millions of views on their videos. New content creators are also favored by the algorithm. At Qeels, an influencer marketing platform, we know this new generation of influencers well, since we work mainly with content creators with between 1,000 and 100,000 subscribers, and who generate tens, even hundreds of millions of views.

2. Creativity

Some might think that TikTok is only for dancing and entertainment. And yet, we find many categories on the social network: reading, entrepreneurship, sports... But beyond these categories, TikTok's format allows influencers to create increasingly creative content, thanks to new features offered regularly.

3. Authenticity

It's important to know that the majority of videos are 1 minute long, and that the algorithm pushes content creators to be very active on the platform, with a recommendation to publish one or even several videos a day. This is how influencers are perceived as authentic.

So, as a brand, your influencer campaigns on TikTok will be viral, creative and authentic.

How do you find good influencers? ⇒ Go through the experts!

Today, launching influencer campaigns is very time-consuming. Influencers have to be identified, canvassed, a reasonable fee negotiated...

What if the experts took care of it all? That's what Qeels is all about. We enable brands to boost their growth by automating their creation of influencer or UGC content. With Qeels: launch a campaign in a few clicks, go through a new generation of 3,500 influencers, get authentic videos to push in ads, and analyze your campaigns in real time. Our customers include Universal, Warner, Webtoon.

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